Jamulator 2021 - Post Mortem (Dev)


  • Auto-Battler - I think the choice of an auto-battler was solid. It provides minimal input from the user, so a lot fewer factors to program for. Also, it satisfying to watch a game play out, without being a strong participant.
  • Descoping - We recognized the over scoping mid-way through and attempted to correct for it. We prioritized the remaining features, and I was able to finish off at least a playable loop.
  • Tools - I ended up using a set of ever evolving set of scripts that I use for projects. Like an attribute class that with a universal set of events to listen for, a Slay the Spire attribute bar that uses the class, a sound manager, etc. It made certain elements quick and clean.


  • Myopia - I spent way too long on the procedural maps, when I should have just hand made it. It was meant to allow for replay, but it cost other more important features. I should have prioritized everything first, and then this would've probably been left on the cutting room floor.
  • Scoping - The game was obviously a bit ambitious. I think the original scope was doable, if I was 20 and didn't have a family. However, we should have kept our target low, and scoped up if we had time.
  • Genre - Puzzle / turn based games always seem to have a cost dev cost than action games. Probably because of all the unique rules and balancing required. Whereas, physics engines (like Unity) take a lot of the work off your plate for action games. I almost feel for a first jam with a new group something more actiony would've been an easier target.


I had some fun, and learned a bit about working in a jam with a group. Previously, my only jam experience was a solo venture. Again, I struggle with scope / myopia, but I think my biggest take way is to prioritize early, and keep your target low.

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